Relationship Breakdown – Mediation


Separating better has been created by OnePlusOne, the UK’s leading relationship and innovation charity. The app, funded by the Department for Works and Pensions, features practical tools to help with budgeting and legal arrangements. Parents can also use it to create a personalised parenting plan and make co-parenting arrangements that work in the best interests of their children.

A series of specially created videos showing typical co-parenting scenarios helps parents to improve their conflict resolution and communication skills. There are also evidence-based articles offering expert advice on separation and co-parenting.
Randomly selected users will be offered free mediation services provided by National Family Mediation, the largest mediation charity in England and Wales. Mediation is a highly effective tool, in fact, 86% of NFM clients are able to reach an agreement.

Separating better is FREE and can be downloaded from app stores. For further information about the app, visit